
Inground Pool Opening Contract

The purpose of this contract is to schedule work in advance. Please check the services you would like performed along with the preferable weeks you would like the pool closed in. Complete address and payment info and send the agreement. You will receive a confirmation with the exact date. Once you obtain confirmation, you will not receive any further reminders.

No dates will be reserved without a signed contract! Please do not call!


Spring start up:
of plumbing, filtration system and components. Installation of ladders and hand rails. The start- up requires electric to the pump and the pool to full of water (3/4 up the skimmer) if the pool is not full or electric is not on, we will assemble the system and leave without a wet test. If we are unable to perform a wet test and you request a return visit, you will be charged an additional $100.00 per hour. This service does not include balancing chemicals, it is your responsibility to have the waterr balanced after it is opened. This is extremely important to avoid damage to heaters, liner and all equipment. Chlorine shock and algaecide will be added. These are startup chemicals and are not designed to treat an algae problem. If you do not use chlorine based products, you must notify us, we will substitute appropriately and bill accordingly. It is the customers responsibility to have the water tested and balanced after our departure. This service does not include any vacuuming.
Does not include vacuuming or balancing chemicals.
    Includes: Start up of single pump system
  • Installation of accessories
  • Pool MUST be filled 1/2 way up to skimmer
  • Electric MUST be on and available
  • Addition of start up chemicals

    Please Advise if you have a Bigunide Pool

Remove and clean cover:
We remove one prepared cover and scrub/rinse it with water. The water and leaves must be removed prior to our arrival. If need be we will prep the cover for you and charge an additional $100.00 per hour. We will put the winter cover away as dry as possible. You must have your hose water faucet turned on for us to do this.

Stow Away Cover Cleaner

We remove a prepared cover and scrub/rinse it. Water and Leaves must be removed prior to our arrival. We will pump and net the leaves off for an additional $80.00 per hour. We will put winter cover away as dry as possible. We must have your hose and water source on and available if you do not request cleaner, we will use water only to scrub/rinse the cover.
Open Self Cleaning System (Fox Pool if Applicable):

Pool Opening Complete 911:
Pool Opening Complete is designed to help clarify water and remove contaminants that affect sanitizer performance.
Deliver supplies:
We will deliver chemicals or any other supplies you request at no additional charge. Please check the Order Chemicals option located at the bottom of this form.
Chemical Valet:
* Required
We will return within one week to run a computerized chemical analysis.
Cost: $ 14.99

With Chemical Valet, We will return 7 - 14 days after your pool opening to run a computerized water analysis and, we will add the required chemicals to balance your pool water. We cannot estimate the cost of the chemicals needed prior to running the test. This service is intended to balance wate only. It will not solve algae or any other water clarity problems. We MUST have access any day/time required. NO locked gates. 15 minute MAX onsite.
** MUST have a credit card on file to request this valet service.

Customer Information:

Payment Information:
* Required

General Terms and conditions:
All work is scheduled on a first come first serve basis. We cannot guarantee any times other than first job of the day. We can assume no responsibility for delays beyond our control due to strikes, accidents, weather etc. Electrical components will not be disassembled or removed unless you specifically request us to. Any needed repairs/labor or parts will be billed in addition to our contract prices. We do need to use electric to open pools, it must be on and available. If we arrive and electric is not available, you will need to reschedule your appointment and pay a trip charge of $100.00. We require 48 hours notice to cancel this contract!

We expect payment at the time of service. Please indicate which payment method you are using. If paying by credit card, we must have the card number and expiration date prior to the service. We will send you your receipt and paid invoice. If you choose to pay by cash or check, you must be home to pay the technicians. Or you may place a check (made out for the estimated total that will be on your confirmation) in a Ziploc bag taped to the filter tank. Any balance that may remain due will be invoiced. If we arrive and payment cannot be collected, you will need to reschedule your appointment and pay a trip charge of $100.00.